

We are thrilled to inform you of the release of Liber Lucis – The Book of Light by the Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC.  This Book of Light, the Liber Lucis, commemorates 400 years since announcements were made by Rosicrucians on the walls of Paris in August 1623. At that time, two small posters emerged, […]


by Christian Bernard, FRC  Our vision of the world is very often communitarian and too narrow. We call ourselves Europeans, Africans, Americans, Asians, etc., while we are all members of the same humanity. This notion of humanity has always been an abstract concept. According to history, it is referred to as the gathering of all […]

The Goal Of A Rosicrucian

By Frater (Chief), Sd Eke-spiff The journey of the Rosicrucian begins as an adventure into the untried vestiges of the unknown, regarded as the Mysteries of Nature, with an initial gulf between the body of knowledge regarded as Rosicrucianism and the Seeker of the seemingly classified knowledge, referred to as the Rosicrucian. In other words, […]

Mindfulness and Self-Awareness in the Digital Age

In today’s fast-paced digital world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives. From constant notifications and alerts to the pressure of staying connected and keeping up with the latest trends, it’s no wonder that many of us feel overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected from ourselves. However, […]

Taking Personal Responsibility For Our Happiness In Life

By Fr. (Prof) Edmond A. Allison-Oguru, FRC  Life, the conscious interlude between birth and so-called death, is the greatest gift from God to Man. Living is the conscious utilisation of life’s energy in our daily activities through the exercise of thought, will and action. Therefore, life and living allow us to appreciate the beauty and […]

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